
the Best of the Colgate Comedy Hour: Sketch Three

Sketch Number Three is.....

the Whipping Boy! Air Date: May 3, 1953

(Skip to 5:15 for the beginning of the sketch.)

Dean plays an Arabian prince who must find a whipping boy so that his father can punish him....and of course you know who the whipping boy is. Much hilarious contention ensues. :D

This one takes the 3 purely for Jerry's excruciating adlib, "Oh thank you, father of a new nose!" That was a ROFL moment for me, but definitely. (If you don't understand the significance of all the nose jokes, it goes like this: the first time Jerry met Dean, he noticed a small scar on the bridge of his nose where a plastic surgeon had reshaped it. Jerry forever after teased Dean about it [not that Dean cared] and often worked the jokes into their shows. Pretty much anytime they mention the nose it's a goner for me. I know, I'm weird.)

This one also takes the 3 for good (read: hilarious) writing of a sketch overall, plus several entertaining ad-lib moments. Plus, Jerry looks cute in his little turban and harem pants. :D It didn't place higher because there was a considerable absence of script deviations (read: ad-libs) aside from Jerry's killer remark and a couple of others. Great writing & acting ensures this one's place.

(In case you're wondering, I said "to heck" with the rating system, it was too complicated & I didn't like it--so there!)

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